(Macro) Settore Servizi didattica e studenti DIBEST
Ammissioni e iscrizioni
Diritto allo studio
Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi (OFA)
Frequentare i corsi
Sedute di Laurea
Trasferimenti e passaggi di corso
Lasciare e riprendere gli studi
Tasse ed esoneri
Certificati e pergamene
Dual Career studente-atleta
Carriera Alias
Modulistica per gli studenti
Bacheca Corsi di Studio
Right to study
Every year Unical disburses over 6,000 scholarships, consisting of a cash quota, accommodation and canteen services, and exemption from paying taxes. The call for tenders is published annually within the month of July. There are also graduation prizes, contributions to international mobility, and subsidiesfor deserving students in temporary need.
Unical is a residential university and offers its students around 2,500 accommodation places. The accommodation places are located in 10 neighborhoods mostly within the campus and partly in the residential area of Rende.
The canteen service is provided through five canteens on campus, with differentiated rates based on income. The service is active 365 days a year and gives the possibility to enjoy different menus: dietetic, vegetarian, international, traditional, and diversified.
For more information, consult the pages dedicated to the Right to Study on the university portal.