Career Service
Studiare all'estero
International Master's degrees
Incoming Erasmus+
International students
Our international didactical offer is being constantly enriched with International Master Degrees entirely taught in English, reserved positions and scholarships for international students.
Find out about the international Masters entirely taught in English and more will be offered in the near future.
We work hard to push the international dimension of our Department.
[[ item.CdSName ]] (inter-university)
[[ item.CourseTypeDescription ]] ([[ item.ErogationMode ]]) - [[ joint.name ]]
A.Y. > [[ item.AcademicYear ]]/[[ item.AcademicYear + 1]]
[[ labels['CdSDuration'] ]] > [[ item.CdSDuration ]] years
[[ labels['CdSLanguage'] ]] > [[ item.CdSLanguage.join(', ') ]]
No items here
- Offerta Formativa
- Formazione Post-Laurea
- Iscriversi, studiare e laurearsi
- (Macro) Settore Servizi didattica e studenti DIBEST
- Ammissioni e iscrizioni
- Diritto allo studio
- Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi (OFA)
- Frequentare i corsi
- Sedute di Laurea
- Trasferimenti e passaggi di corso
- Lasciare e riprendere gli studi
- Tasse ed esoneri
- Certificati e pergamene
- Dual Career studente-atleta
- Carriera Alias
- Modulistica per gli studenti
- Bacheca Corsi di Studio